Having some trouble deciding how to style your cheerware glass? Don’t worry, we’ve prepared this style guide to help you choose the perfect colors and styles of straws to match your favorite cup!
What to consider?

We offer two sizes of straws that are compatible with our 16oz and 20oz glasses respectively.
Some designs have options in both sizes, so make sure you know which size cup you’re picking straws for!
I would prioritize size over any other feature when choosing your straw – the right size will make all the difference!

There are a few different styles and shapes to choose from including;
- bent: a smooth bend
- ridged: a ridged bend (like a plastic bendy straw)
- straight: 8mm and straight
- boba: 12mm and straight, this straw is ideal for smoothies, boba, and milk shakes
- wavy: this is a playful shape that is still easy to clean with a straw cleaner
- crazy: these ones are, well, crazy! There are a lot of different shapes, but these aren’t compatible with lids. They should also only be used for “easy” liquids like water, water, lemonade, etc. I wouldn’t use them with milky/thick beverages 🙂
- clear
- pink
- gold
- honey
- yellow
- green
- teal
- dark blue
- light blue
- lavender
- 2% milk
- orange sherbet
- yellow sherbet
- mint
- sage
- periwinkle
Alrighty, let's get into IT!
hylian collection

Let’s do the current favorites first!
This collection uses the same colors in each design, so I think any straw that matches one would look great with both.
That said, there are some that look BEST with one vs the other.
For the blupee, my favorites are the teal, light blue, yellow, lemon sherbet and pink
For the korok, my favorites are mint, sage, green, honey and orange sherbet!

For this cup, it is alllll about the greens!
You can’t go wrong with mint, sage, green, or teal.
Pink and 2% milk make nice complements as well.
Some folks like to contrast the design with gold and yellow straws 🙂
Raspberry mouse
Brown is becoming one of my favorite colors, and this glass goes perfectly with our earthy-toned straws!
Best fits? I would go with gold, honey or pink if you want a clear option.
For the milk colors, orange sherbet, lemon sherbet, and 2% milk give this cup an even more vintage feel!